In the aquarium, studies have begun on the acoustic activity of beluga whales.

In the aquarium, studies have begun on the acoustic activity of beluga whales.

"The beluga whales have the widest sound spectrum among cetaceans, their world picture largely consists of sound images," says the director of the oceanarium Alexander Mihailuk. - Understanding the amazing possibilities of these marine mammals is a matter of the future. System studies are needed today, now. To keep research bases like BIMM is a very difficult task, as a rule, such bases operate in closed mode. The oceanarium, as a state facility, has initiated an open research format that involves the creation of working groups that unite different scientific directions, as well as the integration of fundamental science and applied developments on one site.

 According to the scientists of the FEFU Engineering School, who today together with biologists study communicative and emotional signals of marine mammals at BIMM, the infrastructure of the base guarantees productive work of the equipment, and also allows recording and processing of acoustic material at the same time.In parallel, the aquarium plans joint projects with a resident of Skolkovo, the Hydrobionika company, whose specialists are developing methods for managing the behavior of commercial hydrobionts.

 Established in 2011, the Marine Mammal Research Base (BIMM) has the necessary potential for further development on the principle of a thematic technopark - a form of territorial integration of science, education and production-oriented development in the field of nature-friendly technologies