Primorsky Aquarium runs charity event

On Saturday, August 12, the Primorsky Aquarium held a charity event called Ocean of Hope. The facility’s specialists and volunteers combined their efforts to conduct an exclusive program for residents of “Zhivaya Nadezhda” (“living hope” - translator’s note), a women’s crisis shelter located in Vladivostok’s suburbs.
The shelter provides support to mothers who have experienced orphanhood or domestic violence. The situation these women are in does not allow them to become educated or enhance their personal development. Raising awareness of various issues and activities aimed at sociocultural adaptation of such mothers can have a significant positive impact on their life and introduce them to new facets of parenting.
The event hosted a charity fair, with all raised money going to the crisis shelter. Focused on intellectual and emotional enrichment of the attendees, the event’s program consisted of a talk on altruism and some aspects of parental care in walruses and belugas, and an artistic mermaid performance.