Sea reflection contest: Winners announced

Sea reflection contest: Winners announced

On June 8, an award ceremony of the 6th annual Sea reflection Open Regional Creativity Contest for Children and Teenagers was held at the Primorsky Aquarium. The works selected by the jury are exhibited on the contest’s website.

A total of 250 artworks, essays and videos have been submitted by entrants from Primorsky and Kamchatka Krais. The entries tell fantasy and real stories about the aquatic world and sea creatures. They are full of love and care for the ocean.

Vasilisa Matyukhova, one of the authors of a special prize “For a unique screenplay” animation winner:

“We decided to make a cartoon about most interesting inhabitants of the underwater world. The video shooting itself was not that hard, but sound recording, creation of sound effects, reading and memorizing lots of lines from the script to recite them into a microphone was a real challenge.”

By participating in the contest, children get inspired to develop their free creativity and love to marine animals.

Maria Bulanenko, the mother of the winner of a special prize “For authenticity in showing the life of animals”:

“My daughter has taken art classes for two years and she wins this contest for the second time. The classes foster creative freedom in students. A teacher suggests a theme, an idea and children come up with their own plot, it’s their own decision, what and how to draw.”

The Sea reflection contest has been conducted for six years, annually since the opening of the Aquarium. The jury traditionally consists of philologists, journalists, artists and other specialists. All entrants receive certificates; award winners in age groups and special prize winners also get diplomas and memorable gifts.

Julia Lapshina, the winner in writing among 12–15-year-olds:

“I want to say that all participants are just great! You are all talented, every one of you!”

The most important thing is that children become globally aware and learn to think about our impact on the Ocean. Only understanding how the Ocean lives and functions, why it is so important to us and what are threats to Ocean health, a person can take at least a small step towards conservation of aquatic ecosystems. This is the purpose of the Sea reflection contest and one of the Aquarium’s missions – to help everyone to get closer to nature and to make the world healthier and happier.