The seaside aquarium will join the international holiday World Oceans Day.
At the very beginning of summer, on world ocean day, the people of the world are making every effort to protect the health and purity of the world's oceans. Come to the ecological and educational event "world ocean Day in the seaside Oceanarium" on June 9-each of you can participate in the conservation and rational use of the most important ecosystems of the planet! At 10 o'clock will begin the scientific and art exhibition N. Yu.H. Inspired by the exhibitions of the aquarium, the artists will tell about the beauty of the oceans. At 12 o'clock will begin a tour full of musical sketches , at the same time will work an educational program.Visitors will also be able to test their knowledge of the seas and oceans, participating in the quiz, which will be held at 14 hours. In addition, at 11 o'clock will be awarded the winners of the contest "sea reflection", and the exhibition will open with the works of participants. By the way, the Primorsky Oceanarium is not the only aquarium in which a children's creative competition was held, dedicated to the world ocean day. This year this idea was supported by Moskvarium (Moscow) and planet Neptune (St. Petersburg). Come to the aquarium on June 9. Remember: life originated in the Ocean, and we remain forever a part of it!