The VII Sea Reflection contest announces its winners

It has now become a well-established tradition to award the winners of the Sea Reflection Open Regional Creativity Contest for Children and Teenagers on World Oceans Day.
The contest brings to light the best ocean-inspired works created by talented young people in a range of categories. Ninety-three entries in writing, artwork and video were submitted this year.
The entries came from all over Primorsky Krai: Arsenyev, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Lesozavodsk, Bolshoy Kamen’, Ussuriysk, and Preobrazhenie. A total of 128 pre-schoolers and school students created the works for the Contest, on their own or in groups.
Some children have taken part in the contest for several years, some, for seven years, which means that the contest is very popular. The artworks, films and essays are full of admiration for the ocean’s beauty and mystique and show very caring attitude towards the ocean and aquatic life.
The jury of the contest comprises professionals in different fields: school and college teachers, university professors, researchers in philology and education and members of the Russian Union of Artists. For the first time, a representative of the Vladivostok Environmental Prosecutor's Office became one of the jurors. Special prizes for contributing to nature conservation were given to several contestants.
Inna Kaufman, Lead Specialist of the Education Department and member of the Contest’s Organizing Committee, is a key person for Sea Reflection, who plays a major role in organizing it and establishing the jury,” The Organizing Committee highly esteem the judges of the contest, as they are recognized experts. They know very well the specifics of the Contest and are smart and unbiased when selecting winners among age groups in each category. They devote their particular attention to the content relevance and meticulous depiction of marine organisms.”
The organizers, striving to increase the Contest engagement, are currently in search for ideas, important for the Primorsky Aquarium. One of those is a new category, “Biotope aquarium”, which is being created for the competition next year.
The list of the Sea Reflection winners is presented here. Our visitors will be able to see the award-winning artworks at the exhibition in the Art Gallery of the Primorsky Aquarium (before the entrance to the Dolphinarium) until 31 August 2023.