
    02.09.2022 – Primorsky Aquarium welcomes a baby zebra shark

    On August 25, a happy event occurred when Alpha, the first aquarium-bred zebra shark in Russia, got a baby sibling.

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    25.08.2022 – Dolphinarium will be temporarily closed to the public

    Programs in the Dolphinarium will be suspended starting Saturday, August 27, 2022.

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    05.08.2022 – Aquarium on the move: Victory in Aquathlon Open Competition

    Another sports accomplishment was gained by athletes from the Primorsky Aquarium at the end of July: three teams got 1st, 2nd and 4th places in Relay in the Aquathlon Open Competition.

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    01.08.2022 – Winners of the Ocean of Water photomarathon round announced

    On July 24, the Primorsky Aquarium organized the first round of Aquarium Through Your Eyes photomarathon. Its title was Ocean of Water. Contestants were to take pictures on the Aquarium grounds and publish them on the Internet within several hours. We received a bunch of really stunning images and compiled a short list of the best photos, those which made the most powerful impression on us.

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    30.07.2022 – Aquarium on the move: De-Friz 113 triathlon

    At the beginning of July the Primorsky Aquarium took part in a large sports event, De-Friz 113 Triathlon, as a partner and a participant.

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    19.07.2022 – Should you be scared of sharks in Primorye?

    In early July, residents of Primorye were disturbed by the news of a large shark being spotted in the waters off the territory. Is it necessary to take speedy action against the “deadly sea creatures’ invasion”? The short answer is no, it is not necessary. Below, staff scientists from the A. V. Zhirmunsky National Scientific Center of Marine Biology FEB RAS share more details about the behavior of these predators and explain why we should not panic.

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    08.07.2022 – Aquarium on the move: Race of Heroes

    The 2022 competition season is ongoing: on June 25, five staff members from the Primorsky Aquarium completed the Race of Heroes (translator’s note – an annual obstacle race), where they fully demonstrated their vigor, courage and stamina. We asked the participants to share their experience of the event with us: what they had found difficult, frightening and inspiring about it.

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    30.06.2022 – 240 million years before us: fragments of an ichthyosaur skeleton arrive at Primorsky Aquarium

    Two fragments of an ichthyosaur skeleton, found earlier this month on Russky Island, were moved from the site of discovery to the Primorsky Aquarium on June 16. The fossils are estimated to be about 230-240 million years old.

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    27.06.2022 – Aquarium on the move: LEO.RUN half marathon

    We continue to inform you about sports events at the Aquarium, and our protagonist today is Alyona Semenchenko, a computer numerical control engineer and also a trade union member in charge of sports activities. She has managed to build an amazing athletic team representing the Primorsky Aquarium at marathons and other events.

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    16.06.2022 – Sea reflection contest: Winners announced

    On June 8, an award ceremony of the 6th annual Sea reflection Open Regional Creativity Contest for Children and Teenagers was held at the Primorsky Aquarium.

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    09.06.2022 – World Oceans Day at Primorsky Aquarium

    On Wednesday, June 8, the Primorsky Aquarium celebrated World Oceans Day, a global event to raise awareness on the essential role our oceans play in our lives.

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    07.06.2022 – Growing up at the Aquarium: graduation-2022

    Graduates from stages of the Growing up at the Aquarium project celebrated the end of the 2021-2022 school year on Saturday, May 28, at the Primorsky Aquarium. Students and tutors presented their accomplishments for the year and demonstrated knowledge and skills at special workshops and scavenger hunts for parents.

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    26.05.2022 – Aquarium on the move

    Primorsky Aquarium employees took part in the ZaBeg, the VI All-Russian Half Marathon. We captured the best moments of this event in our film. Try and look for you and your friends!

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    19.05.2022 – Night of Museums: Primorsky Aquarium takes part in the international event

    A special event took place at the Primorsky Aquarium on May 20, 2022.

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    28.04.2022 – “Research and Project Ideas Lab”: Primorsky Aquarium shares its knowledge and best practices

    An ebook “Research and Project Ideas Lab: Case Method in Environmental Education”, a collection of reports on methodology, has come out and is available online now.

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